Seven Points of Mind Training

From Training the Mind and Cultivating Loving Kindness
By Vidyadhara Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
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Point 7 : Guidelines of Mind Training

44: Train in the three difficulties.

Point Seven : Train in the three difficulties.
Commentary :
The three difficulties have to do with how we relate to our own kleshas, or neuroses. The first difficulty is to realize the point at which you are tricked by your own emotions, or kleshas. You must look for and understand that trick, which is very difficult. The second difficulty is to dispel or to exorcise our emotionalism. And the third difficulty is to cut the continuity of that emotionalism. In other words, in the beginning it is very hard to recognize your neuroses; then it is very difficult to overcome them; and thirdly, it is very difficult to cut through them. Those are the three difficulties.
When neurosis arises, you first have to recognize it as neurosis. Then you have to apply a technique or antidote to overcome it. Since neurosis basically comes from selfishness, from placing too much importance on yourself, the antidote is that you have to cut through your ego. Finally, you have to have the determination not to follow the neurosis or continue to be attracted to it. There is a sense of abruptly overcoming neurosis.
All together we have six categories. The difficulties are: first, it is difficult to recognize our kleshas; second, it is difficult to overcome them; third, it is difficult to cut through them. What you should do is: first, recognize them; second, try to overcome them; third, take a vow never to re-create such things again.
It is very difficult to relate with the bodhisattva principle, or for that matter, any monumental concept. Therefore, the slogan says, "Train in the three difficulties." But if you are willing to practice lojong, your mind will be completely trained and indoctrinated into the bodhisattva's way of thinking. In fact, lojong literally means "indoctrination": lo means "intelligence," and jong means "cleaning up" or "training." The idea is to indoctrinate yourself so that you cannot get away from that monolithic principle called buddha nature, bodhichitta, tathagatagarbha.